youth education association
Association Law 1901, of general interest,
Ministerial approval for Youth and Popular Education,
Solidarity and Social Utility Company,
Complementary Association of Public Education
and approved Civic Service.
AJE-Paris is a member of the Educational Success of Paris 14th
and Paris 20th.
Medal from the City of Paris on July 16, 2019.

In regards to
The AJE-Paris offers on the one hand help for students with learning difficulties or a deepening for those already at ease but also and above all a follow-up of the student. Follow-up which results in information on professional integration, by support beyond the school framework, proposals for extra-curricular activities such as theater, meetings and therefore the social bond between the pupils and between the pupil and the different actors of AJE-Paris.
More information is available in tab Actions made.
Toutes les vidéos

Présentation des actions de la Fondation Boursier

Entretien avec Herve Epongo, Responsable de l'AJE-Paris 14ème

Entretien avec Kallidou Diallo, jeune de l'AJE-Paris en 3ème UPE2A

Entretien avec Herve Epongo, Responsable de l'AJE-Paris 14ème

A former youth
AJE-Paris participates in the Forum Des Métiers:
May 18, 2021
Balthazar Christian, former youngster at AJE, now a young professional at Daher and sponsor of
AJE-Paris with the Fondaher Foundation, participated in the Forum Des Métiers des Portes du 20th, alongside Cédric Milachon on May 18, 2021.
Balthazar exchanged with each 4th grade student at Collège Pierre Mendès France, shared his experience and answered questions from young people.

New logo:
April 16, 2021
The association reaching its majority, it is good to make it evolve. We have chosen to reinforce our identity there by the presence of the inscription “Association Jeunesse Education”.

Solidarity distribution
Chef's dishes:
May 14, 2021
Yesterday was the 1st with Lila, Lyes and Maxime, assistant to the Mayor of the 20th, initiator and initiators of the action.
About fifty dishes cooked by Chefs, thanks to Ecotable, delivered by Linkee, are thus distributed to the fragile Students of theAJE-Paris, at 40 bd Mortier.
We distribute these dishes les Thursdays, Fridays, Mondays and Tuesdays.
To find out more, log on to our page LinkedIn.