Dear friends, we announce that AJE-Paris is looking for volunteers in civic service.
If you are serious, motivated, with a project in mind, then we invite you to join our teams so that we can accompany you to build and realize your project and that Whatever your profile.
Do not hesitate to send us your CV, your cover letter by email, watshaap, Linkedin, instagram or give it directly to the association. You can also simply call us.
See you soon for a meeting !
About us
AJE proposes assistance for students who are struggling academically or additional intellectual enrichment for those who are already confident in their scholarly abilities. AJE also offers student guidance which includes professional development and assistance outside of academics as well as extracurricular activities such as theater workshops and cultural outings. This academic, professional, and extracurricular support builds social connections between fellow students and between students and the various actors who contribute to AJE. More information can be found in the “What we do” tab.
Toutes les vidéos
Présentation des actions de la Fondation Boursier
Entretien avec Herve Epongo, Responsable de l'AJE-Paris 14ème
Entretien avec Kallidou Diallo, jeune de l'AJE-Paris en 3ème UPE2A
Entretien avec Herve Epongo, Responsable de l'AJE-Paris 14ème
Youth education association
A non-profit organization founded in the general interest of the community under the Association Law 1901
Ministerial approval for Youth and Popular Education,
An organization that prioritizes solidarity and Social Utility Company,
Complementary Association of Public Education
and approved Civic Service.
AJE-Paris is a member of the Educational Success programs in the 14th and 20th arrondissements of Paris.
Recognized by the City of Paris on July 16, 2019.